Structure of the Holding
Sunpro has an extensive geographical presence and consists of companies registered in Switzerland, Ukraine, Luxembourg, Romania and Slovakia.
Sunpro Group is led by the Swiss holding company — GENFIELD INVESTMENTS AG, which owns all the assets and carries out corporate management. Under its management there are the following companies:
- Swiss Trading Company — SUNPRO TRADING SA, responsible for international trading operations.
- Luxembourg trading company — SUNPRO LUX Sarl, responsible for trading operations in the European Union.
- Ukrainian production company — ZARIYA PIVDEN Ltd, responsible for unrefined sunflower oil and meal production.
- Ukrainian production company — SINGA GRAIN Ltd, responsible for storage and processing of grain crops.
- Slovak production company — SUNPRO SLOVAKIA Sro, responsible for refined sunflower oil production and bottling.
- Romanian production company — SUNPRO OILS SRL, responsible for the production of sunflower oil and sunflower meal.