Corporate management
Transparency and independence of management — that is the basis of our business.
While implementing development strategy, Sunpro Group sets the goals to increase shareholder value of the Group and to reach the highest management standards. We strongly believe that these two goals are interdependent. Adherence to transparent and reliable business management is extremely important to keep confidence of the investors and partners.
Transparency of financial accounting
We prepare quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The closest objective, that we set for the further improvement of financial accounting procedure, is routine financial accounting audit performed by the external auditors.
Independent management
We believe that the membership of executive and independent directors in the Group's Board is extremely important for corporate management.
Corporate management code
In order to achieve high level of corporate management, we have developed the Corporate Management Code and Corporate Rules. These documents are intended to provide effective guarding of rights and interests of the shareholders, transparency of decision making, professional and ethical responsibilities of the members of the Board and members of other management bodies of the Group, increase of transparency as well as effective control of its business activities.