Manufacturing facilities
Highly accurate automated industrial control systems ensure the highest quality of the products
Oil-extracting plant of the Group located in Nikolaev region is a new, completely automated complex of technological equipment, which was built in 2015.
Main products: unrefined non-chilled sunflower oil, tested sunflower oil meal, sunflower cake, granulated sunflower husk. Manufacture of products is controlled by highly accurate automated systems, what ensures the highest standards of control over the production processes as well as the highest quality of products.
sunflower seeds per day
oil production capacity
meal production capacity
seed acceptance capacity
number of personnel
area of plant territory
- Manufacturing capacities
- Elevator complex
- Stock preparation shop
- Extraction shop
- Storage tanks for oil meal and oil
- Boiler room

Manufacturing capacities

Elevator complex
Here seeds are accepted, peeled, dried and stored.
- Seeds are unloaded from heavy trucks and truck trains without decoupling the trucks.
- Foreign materials are separated from the seeds on grain cleaning separators. Capacity of elevator to accept and peel seeds is 80t/h or 960 t per working shift.
- Seeds are dried in two column-type driers. As a fuel they use sunflower husk. They process 50t seeds per an hour, 600t — per working shift. After one cycle of drying, seeds loss 8% of moisture.
- Floor storage warehouses and armoured concrete silo can admit up to 15 thous. t of sunflower seeds.

Stock preparation shop
Here seeds are peeled and oil seed meal is wet-heat treated in the cooker. Then oil is extracted by pressing and, as a result we get seed cake. Oil is subjected to the primary refining using a filter-press to remove mechanical impurities and final refining using filter. Here sunflower husk is milled and granulated and oil meal is also granulated.
- Peeling and winnowing site of the shop is equipped with seed shellers and purifiers.
- Pressing site is equipped with press and cooker.
- Oil is filtered using a leaf filter, and husk and oil meal are granulated using a granulating machine.
- Capacity to process sunflower seeds is 600 t/day.

Extraction shop
Here the solvent is accepted, stored and supplied. Oil is extracted from seed cake by using the solvent, then the solvent is removed from the defatted material and we get ready-made product — oil meal. The same operation is applied for distillation of miscella and, as a result we get oil. The solvent is regenerated and its residual vapours are absorbed.
- Peculiar feature of the extraction line for sunflower seed cake is represented with the closed loop extractor, in which extraction process is performed in thin layer of the material (600-700mm). Due to this feature material is processed uniformly along the whole layer, and time to discharge solvent from the layer through cleaning sections to the extractor's way out is reduced.
- Toaster includes section for drying and cooling output oil meal, so additional cooler is not required.
- Extractor capacity is 1200 t/day for sunflower seeds.

Storage tanks for oil meal and oil
Oil meal and oil here are accepted, stored and unloaded.
- Storage capacity for oil is 350 t.
- Armoured concrete silos are capable to store 600t of oil meal.
- Capacity to load oil meal to transport vehicles reaches 80 t/hour.

Boiler room
Here the process steam is generated.
- The boiler room consists of the boiler, which use such solid fuel as sunflower husk.
- Its rated performance is 10t/h.